import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import readline from "readline"; import { TelegramClient } from 'telegram'; import { StoreSession } from 'telegram/sessions/index.js'; import 'dotenv/config'; const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); const apiId = process.env.API_ID; const apiHash = process.env.API_HASH; const sessionStore = new StoreSession("tg_session"); async function getCurrentSong() { return fetch('').then((data) => { return data.json(); }).then(data => { const players = []; // get all players of all sources data.sources.forEach(source => { if (!source.players) return; const sourcePlayers = Object.values(source.players); sourcePlayers.forEach(player => { players.push(player); }); }); // sort players in order of most recent new song const sortedPlayers = players.sort((a, b) => new Date(a.playFirstSeenAt).getTime() - new Date(b.playFirstSeenAt).getTime()); // default string let nowPlaying = ""; // if a player exists, get it's song if (sortedPlayers.length !== 0) { const playData = sortedPlayers[0]; nowPlaying = `${playData.artists.join(', ')} - ${playData.track}`; } return nowPlaying; }); } async function initTelegram() { if (!apiId) { console.error("missing env var API_ID"); return; }; if (!apiHash) { console.error("missing env var API_HASH"); return; }; const client = new TelegramClient(sessionStore, apiId, apiHash, { connectionRetries: 5 }); await client.start({ phoneNumber: async (res) => { rl.question("Phone number: ", res); }, password: async (res) => { rl.question("password: ", res); }, phoneCode: async (res) => { rl.question("code: ", res); }, onError: (err) => console.error(err) }); console.log(; await CloseEvent.sendMessage("me", { message: "hi" }); } initTelegram();